Saturday, December 31, 2011

Vegetable Christmas Tree

I chose to make this veggie tree to take to my Grandmothers house for our Christmas dinner. It was fairly simple to make but took me a little while to get it done right as this was my very first attempt. I chose to use a styrofoam cone shape (purchased at Hobby Lobby). For the veggies I used big leaf lettuce to cover the cone, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, and carrots. They are all held on with toothpicks. I made ranch dip to go with mine but you could use whatever you want.

Christmas Wreaths

Wreaths are so fun and very easy to make. I made these Christmas wreaths as another gift to the ladies this year. Everything on these wreaths I purchased at Michaels when the store was having their 50% off sale. These wreaths were created with a straw wreath and 10 ft of ribbon (barely enough, but made it work). I hot glue the ribbon at the starting point and then hot glue it at the finishing point. I then took the flowers and hot glued them on the sides and used glitter pins on the flowers to give them a little more sparkle. The sparkle puff balls were then added to the wreath to give it a little more color, as it looked bare to me with just the flowers on it. I took the letters and painted them red and green, and put dots on them with the opposite color. Once they were dry, I used the wired ribbon and hot glued it to the back of the wreath at the beginning and end of the length of my choice. Then I pinched the ribbon together just about the letter and put a dab of hot glue on it and pinched the ribbon together so the letter would not fall out. And here they are.

Scented Bath Salts

 I really enjoyed making all of this bath stuff for the ladies in my family for Christmas. This is another addition to the bags that I gave each of them. This is bath salt made from Epsom salt, lotion or soap coloring (Purchased at Michaels), Essential Oil Scents (Michaels), and a heart tin (Purchased at Wal-Mart). Labels were created through Avery and hot glued on.


I made this lotion to go along with the sugar scrub that I have already posted. This was simple to make actually smells pretty good. The scents I used were cucumber melon, pink grapefruit, and apple pomegranate. I bought the non-scented shea lotion, scents, coloring, and bottles at Michaels. It took me about five minutes to mix everything together and to get the correct coloring and scent. I then created my labels at Avery for free and hot glued them on the bottles.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Repainted Chef Pig

My mother-in-law has had this chef pig for a really long time and about a couple of months ago we found it while cleaning up some of her stuff. She wanted it repainted so I took it from her and got to work on him. My husband and I completely re-done this chef pig and he turned out so good, that I wish we could find some more like this one was before so I could re-do some more of them. This took me about a week to paint and gloss and my hubby repainted the chalkboard for me once I was done. Here he is from beginning to end.

Christmas Tea Light Holder

I really enjoy making different things every so often and making this was really fun. I just used a glass jar and red and clear gems purchased at Wal-Mart. With some hot glue I got started making this and had it done in one night. I think it turned out really good and I will hopefully be making more sometime soon.

Wine Cork Ball

I have been seeing a lot of wine cork items online lately and decided I would try to make something out of some wine corks we purchased. This thing was very time consuming to make, but fun to say the least. I think we used a 3in. Styrofoam ball, and I am unsure of how many corks we used. The hubby glued the corks on the ball and I put all the moss in between all the corks. It took us about 2 days to complete this but was well worth it. It is so pretty and we had it hanging over our bar. We are contemplating doing one out of champagne corks next.

Body Scrubs

These body scrubs were so easy and fun to make. So fun even my hubby helped me. HA. Since I decided to make everyone something for Christmas this year, I decided to make all the women these scrubs. I also made them lotions, soaps, and bath salts (will post pics later on). Here is what you need: 8-10 oz. jar, labels (I made mine from Avery and they were simple, I put them on the top of the jars, and forgot to take pics of them), essential oil of your choice (I used about 15-20 drops, but you could use more or less, its up to you), 3 cups sugar, 1 cup olive oil (I used Extra Light Olive Oil), and soap coloring (found mine at Michael's). Combine sugar, oil, scents, and coloring in a bowl, mix well and add to your jar(s). There you have it. Simple and easy to create.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pine Cone Vase

I'm not gonna lie and say this vase was easy to make. This vase took me like three days to make, literally. But, I think it was well worth the tired and cut up finger tips, as it turned out so beautiful to me. So, I had some left over pine cones from last Christmas that my dear husband had asked what I was going to do with. I told him that I was not going to use them for anything and to just throw them in the fire. But, after looking at the fall vase that I had made that looked rather bare to me, I decided to take everything off of it and use the pine cones to my advantage. So, I took all the stuff off the fall vase and decided to get to work cutting, tearing, and breaking all the pieces off of the pine cones, piece-by-piece. Crazy Right! Then, I got the hot glue gun out and started placing them on the vase and doing as much as I could during nap time and at night. Once the vase was completely covered, I sprayed a clear gloss over it to give a little more detail. Here is the finished product.


This Christmas I decided to make gifts for everyone. These headbands and bracelets were so fun to make for my niece. Each headband, except for the two Christmas ones have matching bracelets to go with them. I found these ruffle bracelets were so cute from Craft Snob so these are the bracelets that I ended up making for my niece to go with her headbands.