Monday, December 19, 2011

Pine Cone Vase

I'm not gonna lie and say this vase was easy to make. This vase took me like three days to make, literally. But, I think it was well worth the tired and cut up finger tips, as it turned out so beautiful to me. So, I had some left over pine cones from last Christmas that my dear husband had asked what I was going to do with. I told him that I was not going to use them for anything and to just throw them in the fire. But, after looking at the fall vase that I had made that looked rather bare to me, I decided to take everything off of it and use the pine cones to my advantage. So, I took all the stuff off the fall vase and decided to get to work cutting, tearing, and breaking all the pieces off of the pine cones, piece-by-piece. Crazy Right! Then, I got the hot glue gun out and started placing them on the vase and doing as much as I could during nap time and at night. Once the vase was completely covered, I sprayed a clear gloss over it to give a little more detail. Here is the finished product.

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